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The Soul Of The Forest - Photo Story

Updated: Mar 12, 2021


Every now and then, I get the urge to grab my camera and go shooting. This day, I let the urge lead me to one of my favorite chill spots in Decatur. Near the intersection of Midway and Carter road, there runs a stream that has been branched off of Shoal Creek.

Sitting on the bridge railing, you can stare at the river and see all the different types of fish and reptiles that are making their way downstream towards the Atlantic. Because of the busy activity in the river, you will often see large birds perched in the tree waiting on the right moment to swoop down for a meal.

Stock Photo Taken By Longshots Media
Stock Photo taken by Longshots Media

It was in this moment that I noticed the hawk perched on a branch above the river. So I pulled my camera up from my waist and aimed my lens directly at the hawk.  I was looking to capture the hawk within the surrounding vibrant green leaves. At the moment I pressed the shutter, I did not notice the hawk looking back at me.


Once I got back to my laptop, I opened the file and examined the image. At first, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the Hawk looked back at , and that I achieved the composition I aimed for. 

However, upon further examination of the image, I became uncomfortably aware of the set of eyes which appeared to be at the top of the frame.  It was hard to believe that they were really there, so I put my memory card back into my camera and went thru my photos. Once I found the original file, I zoomed in and there they were…..staring right back at me.

I have often heard that the eyes are the windows to the soul, so until I am able to know what was captured in this image, I will properly name this piece, The Soul of the Forest”


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